Back to school time reminds me why school is wonderful, all that reading and writing. I’m still squeezing in all the summer activities I can. Hope August has been good to you so far.
—Selene Phillips, Director, Women Who Write
WWW 2016 Conference
The keynote wowed us. Luncheon panelists knocked our socks off, and other presenters inspired and taught how to improve our crafts. After keynote Tori Murden McClure spoke, one attendee said, “If this is the only thing I receive today, it was worth it.”
“What a superbly organized conference! What wonderful speakers and writers! What a terrific book table!... I hope that I'll be in town the next time you present a conference so I can be part of the one-day community you create!” wrote presenter Nancy Gall-Clayton.
“I had a wonderful time, and learned a lot from the other presenters. And I had an absolute BLAST with my presentation. It was fun!” wrote speaker Virginia Smith.
Panelist Carrie Vittitoe wrote, “I want to thank you… so much for including me in the conference. I felt honored to speak on the panel and thoroughly enjoyed learning from speakers and attendees.”
“Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed doing the conference. Looks like a great bunch of engaged, interesting people,” wrote panelist Kenny Wooton.
Thanks to all the speakers, attendees, and volunteers who made the WWW conference great. Special appreciation to Jo Shipley and Kathey Schickli for their hard work and to Susan Lindsey for her speaker list.
WWW Members Publish
Dark Highway: Love, Murder, and Revenge in 1930s’ Kentucky by Ann DAngelo is available on the Butler Books website. Debra Ison’s debut thriller Search for Murder: A Tale of Passion, Revenge and Mystery is now available. Holly Hinson published “A Red Balloon” in September’s Big Brick Review. Suzanne Hartman published “Prison Without Bars” in a flash fiction book contest.
Susan Lindsey, Cheri Powell, and Peggy Grimes worked on a fundraising cookbook for Louisville’s Farmington Historic Plantation. Nell Speed Ream, the great-granddaughter of John Speed, collected recipes. Speed Family Heritage Recipes is available on Profits support historic preservation.
July WWW Meeting
Five new members or visitors and 21 members attended our July meeting. New member Jean Hammond is new to creative writing. Alice Hobbs is new to writing. Jill Stewart writes young adult fiction. Martha Tomazic writes picture books and helped with the Farmington Cookbook. Sherry Sublett just finished a book about living a happy healthy life. And poet Jennifer Peterson came with Donna Stevens. Readers and their work included:
Joan Dubay Mary Emergency
Diane Cruze Living the Olmsted Vision
Kim Snead The Saga of a Possessed Grandmother
Polly Moter Hunter Left His Mark
Cheri Powell started an untitled magical realism story
Holly Hinson First Call
Irene Sulyevich Over the Bridge
Judith Owens Lalude Bus Stop Lady
Lenny Hay Untitled poem
August WWW Meeting
Twenty-one members and three guests attended. Vicki Easterly writes essay and poetry writing. Terry Emery is involved in academic, poetry, and essays. Anne Wunch produced fundraising newsletters and likes poetry and cookbook writing. Four readers and their work included:
Suzanne Hartman Prison Without Bars
Cory Lockhart Impasse
Selene Phillips Happy 85th Birthday Dad, To: Lord Byron “Ez”
Cheri Powell Sissy Finds Her Birth Certificate
In a writing exercise, Paula Dillman cracked us up by sharing what her mirror tells her. Debra Ison and Donna Stevens read other intriguing impromptu writings.