I am honored to begin my two-year term as the Director of Women Who Write. I look forward to hearing your words, stories, and poetry at our monthly readings, our Readings and Respites at Fante’s Coffee, and our annual WWW Readings at The Bards Town. These are just a few of the ways that WWW continues to provide women writers a place, a space, and a voice. I urge members to join us at our monthly meetings, Winter Rites, and Spring Rejuvenation Writer’s Conference where you will find talented, creative women who will inspire you and help you find your own words and your own voice.
Diane Cruze Director, Women Who Write
February Meeting
The next regular WWW meeting will be Thursday., February 1 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at the Highlands-Shelby Park Library reading room, in the Mid-City Mall, 1250 Bardstown Road.
Please remember to use the industry’s standard of double spaced, 12-point, Times Roman font when preparing copies of your work for distribution during regular meetings.
January Meeting and Readings
Three visitors and 11 members gathered at January’s meeting. A Women Who Write Code of Ethics was introduced. Members will vote on this code at February ‘s meeting. Our authors’ quality continues to delight. Readers shared a variety of topics.
Kim Esteran - On the Road to Palmyra
Joan Dubay - New Year's Resolution
Diane Cruze - Emotional Belay
Dorothy Myers (a new member and first-time reader) - Never Say Dead
Colleen Ryan - This Time Will Be Different
Selene Phillips - Time Piece & Misty Morning Memories.
Member Opportunity to join WWW Board
WWW is seeking a volunteer to join our board as secretary. The secretary position is a unique opportunity to assist in the continued success and development of Women Who Write. Those who may be interested please contact Terri Lindsey at or Diane Cruze at .
WWW Seventh Annual Spring Rejuvenation Conference
Registration is now open for our 7th annual WWW Spring Rejuvenation Writers Conference. Register now to join us on Saturday, March 24, 2018, at the Purdue Research Park of Southeast Indiana, Purdue Polytechnic New Albany, 3000 Technology Avenue, New Albany, IN 47150. The theme “How Do I Get My Words Out to the World” highlights keynote speaker George Ella Lyon, the 2015-16 Kentucky poet laureate. Space is limited. For more information and online registration visit the WWW homepage.
We are also seeking members to volunteer to assist at the conference. Please contact Diane Cruze at if you would like to help.
Welcome New Members
Welcome to the following who have recently joined Women Who Write.
Shannon Davis-Roberts
Dorothy Myers
Francheska White
Upcoming Events
Winter Rites Selene Phillips hosts a Winter Rite on Wed., Feb. 28, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., 5730 Moser Knob Rd., Floyds Knobs, Ind. RSVP at . Contact a board member to host a Rites.
Readings & Respite The first Readings and Respite will be on Mon., Feb. 19, 2018. This café version of our November Bards Town event will be at Fante’s Coffee, 2501 Grinstead Drive, 40206, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Fante’s menu includes soup, salads, sandwiches, coffee, tea, wine, and beer. Invite your friends. Sign up to read at . Fante’s is one of our conference sponsors.
WWW Book Club Want to read and discuss books? Our new book club will meet on a regular basis to read a variety of books. E-mail to participate.
12th Annual Kentucky Women Book Festival Save Sat., March 3, 2018, for a full slate of author presentations, book signings, and opportunities to mingle with fellow book lovers. WWW helps sponsor the Festival at U of L’s Ekstrom Library. See https://louisville.edu/womenscenter/our-programs/kwbf.
Louisville Writing Project: Poetry Network The Louisville Writing Project Poetry Group has invited us to their meetings on the second Saturday of each month. Sat., Feb. 10, they will have a video conference with our conference keynote speaker George Ella Lyon. Future meetings will be held on March 10, April 14, and May 12. For more information, contact John T. Bensing at or Maria J. Reyes at .
The Writers’ Workshop of Asheville, NC, is sponsoring its 29th Annual Poetry Contest, open to any writer regardless of residence. The guidelines are also posted at their website, www.twwoa.org. For questions, email or call 828-254-8111. Deadline: Postmarked by Feb. 28, 2018
From Randall Jones at Call for Personal Essays. You are invited to submit your writing for consideration for inclusion in a special collection of personal essays which will be printed in early spring 2018. Only writers in Kentucky and North Carolina will be included. The selected essays will resonate with the themes of “making-do,” “bearing up,” and “overcoming adversity.” All the essays should be about true-life experiences of the writer, a family member, or someone the writer knows personally. Writers should target 750 words, but no more than 800. Deadline for submission is 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time, Feb. 17, 2018. You can learn more at www.danielboonefootsteps.com. Just click on “Classroom” in the main menu and then scroll down to “Personal Essay Publishing Project.”