Our annual New Member Brunch Reception is an opportunity to “stretch your social muscles” and get to know your fellow women who write. Good friends + Good food = Good times!
New Members (persons joining after August 2018) are invited to attend as our guests. Regular Members are asked to bring a brunch dish and non-alcoholic beverage.
The brunch will be held Saturday, August 10th from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall of First Baptist Church of Shepherdsville, 254 South Buckman Street, Shepherdsville, KY 40165. Parking is available behind the church beside the senior center.
We hope you will join us as we welcome and honor our new members.
Our next WWW meeting is August 1st at 6:30 at the Mid-City Mall Public Library Branch. If you plan to read, please remember to bring copies of your work for members to provide feedback.
June Meeting and Readings
Nine members were in attendance. We hadno visitors.
Member Readings:
Irene Sueyevich – Story = No Appointment Necessary
Alisa Childress – Essay – Sandwich Generation
Marty Hoover – Memoir – Homes
Ramona Osbourne – Memoir – Oak Grove Road
Diane Cruze—Essay - Forgiveness
Announcing Our Fall Writers Retreat Dates
Mark your calendar for October 19th at 10:00 AM through October 20th at 3:00 PM for the Women Who Write’s Annual Fall Retreat at Hopscotch House.
Whether you need to destress, socialize with other writers, or put your head down and work, we encourage our members to come and enjoy the atmosphere.
Please bring a bag lunch for Saturday. Attending members are asked to bring a dish to share for our Saturday dinner. Women Who Write will supply snacks, water, coffee, tea, and breakfast items. This is a MEMBERS ONLY event.
Come for a few hours, spend the day, or sign up to stay the night. Accommodations are limited to nine guests, so register early. Registration will be available soon on our website.
A small donation of $15 per person is required to use the Hopscotch House which is owned by the Kentucky Foundation for Women. Please pay via PayPal or mail a check to Women Who Write, P.O. Box 6167, Louisville, KY 40206, before the event.
Reservations must be made by Monday, October 14, 2019. Registration must be pre-paid. There are no refunds for cancelations after registering.
A Liability form from The Kentucky Foundation for Women will need to be completed upon check-in.
The Board of Directors needs a member to volunteer for the vacant Board Secretary position. We also need two members to volunteer to serve the Public Relations and Marketing committee. If you are interested please contact one of the Board members.
New WWW Featured Member Authors and Publications Webpage
Women Who Write is offering members the opportunity to promote their work on a new WWW Featured Member Authors and Publications webpage. We are a group that works to welcome, educate and support all women who aspire to write. Our vision is to be the “go-to” place for women writers. The new webpage supports this vision by celebrating the accomplishments of our members.
*You must be an active member to participate on the page. WWW reserves the right to exclude publications if the program is oversubscribed for a given period, the works do not rise to a reasonable level of professionalism, or for other reasons consistent with the vision of the organization.
Interested in Hosting a Seasonal Write?
Seasonal Writes events give members an opportunity to bring their laptop or writing tablet and start on that new writing project, revise and edit a piece, or use a writing prompt to jumpstart new writing ideas. It is also an opportunity for members to support each other in their writing pursuits.
We would love for members to volunteer to host a Seasonal Write at their home or at a community location. As the host, you choose the date, place and time for us to gather. Contact a board member ifyou would like to host a Write.
Writing Opportunities
The Center for Interfaith Relations is proud to sponsor the Thomas Merton Prize in Poetry of the Sacred, inspired by the legacy of Thomas Merton – monk, poet, hermit, activist, artist and interfaith pioneer – whose life continues to inspire millions. For over ten years, the Poetry of the Sacred contest has received thousands of submissions touching every aspect of spiritual life. Poetry has been called ‘the language of the soul’ and this annual contest encourages poets to awaken the reader to the deep meaning and beauty of a contemplative life. Poems are evaluated based on literary excellence, authenticity and spiritual tenor. The Center for Interfaith Relations’ mission is to celebrate the diversity of faith traditions, express gratitude for our unity and strengthen the role of faith in society through common action. This year’s final judges, Phyllis Cole-Dai and Ruby R. Wilson, will select three honorable mentions to receive $100.00, and one winning poem to be awarded the $500.00 Merton Prize in Poetry of the Sacred. The winning poem will be published in an upcoming issue of Parabola Magazine, an internationally recognized magazine devoted to the sacred.
Submission Details: - Entry fee of $15.00 per one poem, non-refundable. (Some entry fee scholarships are available on a limited first come, first serve basis. Please e-mail rebecca@interfaithrelations.org for details.) - Online submissions only. (If you are unable to submit online, please e-mail rebecca@interfaithrelations.org or call 502.583.3100 Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm EST.) - Submissions should be one single piece of work. Please do not include multiple poems in one entry. - Submissions should be less than 1000 words. - Submitted work should be unpublished. Simultaneous submissions are expected and welcome. - Poem must be anonymous—the author’s name or address must not appear anywhere on the attached document containing the poem The final poems will be selected mid-September and all applicants will be notified of the winning poem and three honorable mentions via e-mail. Announcements will also be made online and through the general Center for Interfaith Relations and Festival of Faiths email communications.
THE WRITER SUMMER FLASH CONTEST - Show us your very best work in any genre, fiction or nonfiction. The catch? We’ll only accept works that are 1,000 words or less. Grand prize: $1,000 and publication in our magazine. Word count: 1,000 words or less. Our second-place winner will receive $500 and publication on our website, writermag.com; our third-place winner will receive $250 and publication on writermag.com as well. Submit at https://writermag.submittable.com/submit/143449/2019-summer-flash-contest ENTRY FEES VARY. Deadline August 15, 2019.
OMNIDAWN CURRENT POETRY CONTEST - This contest is open to all writers worldwide with no limitations on the amount of poetry a writer has published. We recommend submissions should be 40–120 pages of poetry, not including front and back matter. Winner receives $3,000 and publication. Information at http://omnidawn.com/contest/poetry-contests.htm $27 ENTRY FEE. Deadline August 19, 2019.
NAUGATUCK RIVER REVIEW CONTEST - First prize is $1,000 for one poem, second prize is $250 and third prize is $100. All winners, finalists and semi-finalists will be published in the winter/spring 2020 issue of NRR. Please submit no more than three unpublished NARRATIVE poems of no more than 50 lines per poem in ONE MSWord file. Information at https://naugatuckriverreview.com/contest/
$20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline September 1, 2019.
ORCA COVER LETTER CONTEST - We love cover letters. The best of them are like flash fiction, expressing a story of their own, and making us excited to see the submission they introduce. In 300 words or less, introduce yourself, and/or your submission (real or imagined). Make us laugh, make us cry, make us wish there was a story attached for us to read. First place: $200. Second place: $75. Third place: $50.
CHICKEN SOUP STORIES ABOUT CHRISTMAS https://www.chickensoup.com/story-submissions/possible-book-topics Deadline January 30, 2020. We are now collecting stories for our HOLIDAY 2020 book and we are looking for stories about the entire December holiday season, including Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, and New Year’s festivities, too. We want to hear about your holiday memories and traditions. The rituals of the holiday season give a rhythm to the years and create a foundation for our lives, as we gather with family, with our communities at church, at school, and even at the mall, to share the special spirit of the season, brightening those long winter days. Keep your story to 1,200 words or less. Story must be true. No fiction, no creative writing. If we publish your story, you will be paid $200 one month after publication of the book, and you will receive ten free copies of the book your story or poem appears in.