After years of uncertainty as to whether the Mid-City Mall Library Branch would be closed, the WWW Board began exploring options for moving our meetings to another Louisville Public Library branch. The Board has now decided to apply for a meeting room at the South-Central Regional Branch on the Outer Loop. We chose this site because of the branch’s central location close to I-65 and the availably of a large room for monthly meetings and/or presentations.
But Thursday meeting space is not available at the South-Central Branch. Therefore, WWW will need to change its meeting dates. Library staff advised the Board that we should not have a problem reserving a room on Tuesdays. The WWW Board will soon apply to reserve the large meeting room at the branch on the first Tuesday of each month from 6:30 to 8:30 beginning in January of 2020. We look forward to the opportunity to gather in a newer, larger facility.
If our application for a new meeting place is approved by the library, we will send final notification to WWW members about the changes in dates and venue.
Diane Cruze WWW Director
September Meeting and Readings
Thirteen members were in attendance. We hadtwo visitors.
Member Readings:
Linda Yewell – Linda is writing a period piece. She read an excerpt from Chapter One. Untitled.
Colleen Ryan – A poem. “Blank”
Clea Lewis- Read part of her book Shattered Innocence. An excerpt from Chapter 28.
Selene Phillips – Read a poem. “Clover All Over”
Diane Cruze - Read a non-fiction essay. “City of Contradictions”
WWW Fall Writers Retreat
Mark your calendar for October 19th at 10:00 AM through October 20th at 3:00 PM for the Women Who Write Annual Fall Retreat at Hopscotch House.
Whether you need to destress, socialize with other writers, or put your head down and work, we encourage our members to come and enjoy the atmosphere.
Please bring a bag lunch for Saturday. Attending members are asked to bring a dish to share for our Saturday dinner. Women Who Write will supply snacks, water, coffee, tea, and breakfast items. This is a MEMBERS ONLY event.
A small donation of $15 per person is required to use the Hopscotch House which is owned by the Kentucky Foundation for Women. Please pay via PayPal or mail a check to Women Who Write, P.O. Box 6167, Louisville, KY 40206, before the event.
Reservations must be made by Monday, October 14, 2019. Registration must be pre-paid. There are no refunds for cancelations after registering.
A Liability Form from The Kentucky Foundation for Women will need to be completed upon check-in.
We look forward to seeing you at the retreat.
Any questions, send email to .
WWW Night at The Bard’s Town
Please join Women Who Write for our Fourth Annual Evening of Readings at The Bard’s Town, 1801 Bardstown Road, on November 7, 2019. Gather at 6:00 pm to order beverage and food. Readings will begin promptly at 6:30 pm. This event is in lieu of our monthly (November) meeting at the library. All genres are welcome. For those interested in reading a ten-minute piece or less, contact us at
First come, first serve with preference given to those who have read at our monthly meeting. Maximum of 10 readers.
WWW Holiday Luncheon
The Dutch treat holiday luncheon is scheduled for Sat., Dec. 7, 2019 from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm at the Highlands Mark’s Feed Store, 1514 Bardstown Road, Louisville, KY 40205. Bring a gently used book you have read and gift wrapped in newsprint if you want to participate in our gift exchange.
The Board of Directors needs a member to volunteer for the vacant Board Secretary position. We also need two members to volunteer to serve the Public Relations and Marketing committee. If you are interested please contact one of the Board members or email us at
New WWW Featured Member Authors and Publications Webpage
Women Who Write is offering members the opportunity to promote their work on a new WWW Featured Member Authors and Publications webpage. We are a group that works to welcome, educate and support all women who aspire to write. Our vision is to be the “go-to” place for women writers. The new webpage supports this vision by celebrating the accomplishments of our members.
*You must be an active member to participate on the page. WWW reserves the right to exclude publications if the program is oversubscribed for a given period, the works do not rise to a reasonable level of professionalism, or for other reasons consistent with the vision of the organization.
Interested in Hosting a Seasonal Write?
Seasonal Writes events give members an opportunity to bring their laptop or writing tablet and start on that new writing project, revise and edit a piece, or use a writing prompt to jumpstart new writing ideas. It is also an opportunity for members to support each other in their writing pursuits.
We would love for members to volunteer to host a Seasonal Write at their home or at a community location. As the host, you choose the date, place and time for us to gather. Contact a board member ifyou would like to host a Write.
Upcoming Literary Events
Oct. 26, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. - Books by the Banks, Duke Energy Convention Center, Cincinnati, Ohio. See details at
Nov. 10–16 - Kentucky Book Festival features a week full of events for writers and readers, culminating in the Kentucky Book Fair, Nov. 16, at Alltech Arena, Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington.
Nov. 16 - Louisville Literary Arts Writer’s Block Festival, Spalding University, Louisville. This event features readings, panels, interviews, open mics, and an exhibitor fair—all for free. Craft workshops and editor/agent pitch sessions are also available for a fee. See details at
Writing Opportunities
WOW! WOMEN ON WRITING Q1 2019 CREATIVE NONFICTION ESSAY CONTEST $12 ENTRY FEE. Critique for additional $13. Deadline October 31, 2019. Seeking creative nonfiction essays on any topic (200-1,000 words) and in any style - from personal essay to lyric essay to hybrid and more! The mission of this contest is to reward bravery in real-life storytelling and create an understanding of our world through thoughtful, engaging narratives. Reprints are okay; simultaneous submissions okay. Open internationally. Limit: 300 entries. First Place: $500, publication, interview, and gift card good for one item from CreateWriteNow's Store. Second Place: $300, publication, interview, and gift card good for one item from CreateWriteNow's Store. Third Place: $200, publication, interview, and gift card good for one item from CreateWriteNow's Store. Seven Runners Up receive $25 Amazon Gift Cards, publication, interview, and one item from CreateWriteNow's Store. Ten Honorable mentions receive a gift card good for one item from CreateWriteNow's Store.
WOW! WOMEN ON WRITING FALL 2019 FLASH FICTION CONTEST $10 ENTRY FEE. Critique for additional $10. Deadline November 30, 2019. Guest Judge: Literary Agent Cari Lamba with the Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency. Seeking short fiction of any genre between 250 and 750 words. The mission of this contest is to inspire creativity, communication, and well-rewarded recognition to contestants. Open internationally. Limit: 300 entries.
First Place: $400, publication, interview, and $25 Amazon Gift Certificate. Second Place: $300, publication, interview, and $25 Amazon Gift Certificate. Third Place: $200, publication, interview and $25 Amazon Gift Certificate. Seven Runners Up receive $25 Amazon Gift Cards, publication and interview. Ten Honorable mentions receive $20 Amazon Gift Card. Top ten stories are published in the WOW! Women On Writing e-zine, and contestants are interviewed on WOW's blog, The Muffin.
Activism Anthology Call for Submissions
Something happened and made you want to get involved in transforming your organization, neighborhood, community, state, or country. You decided to speak up for something you care about, and did so through words, images, or actions. Or, maybe this is the first time you are speaking out. MuseWrite Press seeks short stories, poems, essays, and creative nonfiction that capture your journey, work, and/or goals regarding your activism. Considering unpublished submissions of no more than 2,500 words. Email submissions to by October 15, 2019. Include a 50-word bio. Visit for info on press and editors.
Chicken Soup Stories About Christmas Deadline January 30, 2020. We are now collecting stories for our HOLIDAY 2020 book and we are looking for stories about the entire December holiday season, including Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, and New Year’s festivities, too. We want to hear about your holiday memories and traditions. The rituals of the holiday season give a rhythm to the years and create a foundation for our lives, as we gather with family, with our communities at church, at school, and even at the mall, to share the special spirit of the season, brightening those long winter days. Keep your story to 1,200 words or less. Story must be true. No fiction, no creative writing. If we publish your story, you will be paid $200 one month after publication of the book, and you will receive ten free copies of the book your story or poem appears in.