In the past months, we’ve learned new ways to live in the world, adopted new vocabularies and habits. We shelter-in-place and social distance. We stay two meters apart, which we now know as six feet. We shop for groceries wearing masks and (often) gloves, trying to be polite when the clerk tells us we can only have one box of Kleenex. We have invented ways to greet each other from a distance. Some of us bump elbows; others bow and say Namaste—the god in me greets the god in you. We smile at strangers, even if the smile is visible only in our eyes.
Our April Meeting—Our April Zoom videoconference featured novelist Katy Yocom, author of Three Ways to Disappear. Katy enriched our writing lives with a reading from her book, the story of her research, her writing process and publication experience. Also fascinating was her strategy for discovering cultural errors in her writing, since much of the novel is set at a tiger sanctuary in India. Katy says she enjoyed being with a group of writers so curious about the process of writing. We hope to have her as a guest again, perhaps at a panel discussion for our upcoming (rescheduled) retreat.
Writing Prompts—Katy shared some of her favorite writing prompts, which you can find here! Use them to develop character and place.
Next Meeting—Tuesday, May 5—virtually—through the Zoom video conferencing platform 6:30 to 8 PM. We will follow our usual meeting format, beginning with new business andincluding up to five peer commentaries. Submit your poem, memoir or fiction to by midnight Monday, May 4. Writing buddies, consider sending a word document you’ve created or revised while working with your buddy.
Submission guideline—Limit to three double-spaced pages. Each writer will read their piece while it is posted on the monitor. All, please bring paper and pen to the video conference so you can record comments. Here is your official invitation with the link to our “meeting room.”
We invite you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Women Who Write monthly meeting
Time: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
If you are having trouble signing in, please text Kim at 502-417-3424
Writing Retreat Rescheduled—Our retreat at the Valaterra Retreat Center in Lagrange, KY has been rescheduled for Saturday, July 18. Our original day May 16, would, at best, be able to host 10 people. July looks promising. Of course, we will observe social distancing guidelines as specified at that time.
The retreat will begin with a panel discussion featuring women writers from several genres. After the panel, participants will enjoy quiet time to write without distraction, meet with peers to discuss work-in-progress, stretch out to read or nap, hike the meadow and lane. We’ll share a pot-luck meal at noon and writing by participants at the end of our day. Snacks and beverages will be provided by Women Who Write. The day’s activities will end with a (voluntary) reading by participants.
Cost for the retreat is $20 per person (plus your potluck contribution). We will begin to accept registrations on June 1 via the website or by checks payable to Women Who Write sent to Mellwood Arts Center, 1860 Mellwood Ave., Studio 123, Louisville, KY 40206.
Want your passion for writing to make a difference in someone’s life? WWW member Debbie Chartoff has launched a Facebook platform to connect persons who love to write with those isolated from family and friends during the COVID-19 pandemic. The group will develop pen-pal friendships. The focus will initially establish connections with elderly in assisted living and nursing homes, with hopes to expand. To get started, all it takes is one note, a stamp, and some words of hope and comfort, and together, we’ll add brightness to someone’s day.
Join! Share! Write! And make a difference, one note at a time.
June is annual membership dues renewal—To simplify the process, WWW leaders have decided to collect $50 membership dues once annually. Here is how this will work:
If you have joined or renewed since January 1, 2020, you will not owe membership dues until June 2021.
If you have joined or renewed since July 2019, you will owe the full amount of $50. If the extra charge is a hardship, let us know.
We want to brag about your accomplishments! Inform us of your publications, book length or otherwise, and the projects you’ve initiated. And tell us how we can help you make the most of your writing life.