Jul 16, 2022 - 9:00 am

Photo by Judit Peter, Pexels.com
Date: Saturday, July 16—We’ll meet from 9 AM to 5 PM
Place: A private home in St. James Court (registrants will receive address and directions)
Cost: $20 for members; $35 for non-members
Agenda—On the retreat’s agenda is coffee and conversation, a writing prompt, time to write, lunch (provided), a casual historic and folklore tour (optional) of St. James and Belgravia Courts, and a workshop with Susan McNeese Lynch, an actor and director with Eve Theater. Susan will talk to us about how to read our writing aloud.
About Susan McNeese Lynch
Susan McNeese Lynch is a seasoned public relations professional, having developed and implemented both public and private sector communications programming for 41 years.She is noted for her creation and development of the Luhvul, Louieville, Looavul . . . Your Kind of Place Any Way you Say It campaign while at the Louisville Convention and Visitors Bureau (now Louisville Tourism), a campaign that continues to promote the fun personality of the city to this day. For 20 years, she operated her own marketing communications firm, SML Communications, and provided marketing, promotion and media services for such high profile clients as Churchill Downs (Kentucky Oaks and Derby), Cirque du Soleil, Kentucky Kingdom, World Affairs Council and the PGA Ryder Cup. She is also a well-known actress having performed in more than 100 productions over 50 years at community, avocational and professional theatres throughout the region. Performances include Love, Loss and What I Wore, The Oldest Profession, Our Mother’s Brief Affair, and most recently, 20th Century Blues at Eve Theatre Company, which she co-founded in 2012. She has shared the stage with her husband, Phil, in several plays including Same Time Next Year, Amateurs, Cocktail Hour and Kin. Her singing abilities have netted her roles in Sound of Music, Cabaret, A Little Night Music, Side By Side By Sondheim and La Cage Au Folles, to name a few. She can also be seen in several locally-produced independent films. She served on the boards of Actors Theatre and Louisville Public Media. She served multiple terms as president of Arts KY, a statewide arts advocacy organization. She and Phil have passed on a deep appreciation for the performing arts to both of their sons, Matthew and Alex.