WWW July Conference
As of this writing, 36 spaces are left for the conference. Space is limited due to the fire marshal’s restrictions. Members need to register for the conference as soon as possible. We have quite a few outside WWW members register for the conference, and we don’t want you to be left out. Please contact a board member if you are able to volunteer.
WWW Members Success
Debbie Chartoff received honorable mention for her work Walled Infor the Winter 2016 Fiction Writing Contest with Women On Writing.
The Courier-Journalpublished an article titled “Mother Other Anthology” published by Sarabande Books, which includes a piece by Diane Cruze http://www.courier-journal.com/story/entertainment/books/2016/06/21/writing-workshop-helps-women-cope-child-loss/85520212/
Lennie Hay had a poem published in Trajectory.
Laura Johnsrude’s “And the Beat Goes On” was published in the Summer issue of Today’s Transitions. Hard copies are in Kroger and Whole Foods, or see https://issuu.com/todayswoman.com/docs/tt_forissuu/38.
Selene Phillips showed two photographs, each accompanied with a poem in University of Louisville’s Open Walls gallery. Titles were “iced dogwood” and “sun peeking through iced limbs.”
Please email Selene if you have good news at
WWW Fall Retreat Scheduled
We reserved the Hopscotch House for Fri., October 21 until Sun., October 23. This is the first time we will be staying over night on Friday. Please note that the cost of participation is $15 this year, up from $10 last year. Carpool if possible. We may use the carport entrance to load and unload our vehicles, but that area must remain clear during our stay. Participants are responsible for their own linen, towels, washcloths, blankets, shampoo, and soap. Linens are required to protect the mattresses. Sleeping bags are unacceptable. More retreat news will follow.