Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash
“You have something to say, your soul has a story to tell. Write it. There is never any reason to be afraid. Just write it and then put it out there for the world. Shove it up a flagpole and see who salutes it. Somebody will say it’s crap. So what? Somebody else will love it. And that’s what writing’s about. Love. Love of the art, love of the story, and love for and from the people who really understand your work. Nobody else matters. Love yourself. Love your work. Be brave. Just write.”
Dear Woman-Who-Writes!
Happy Valentine’s month! Here’s hoping that you love someone or something deeply—two-legged, four-legged, or otherwise. Of course, WWW members love the written word. We are devout readers, if not active writers. Some of us have an idea not yet scribed. Some of us have literary agents (we try not to envy those people). Most of us love how we feel when we finally get around to writing. And at least one of us wonders—if something feels so good, why don’t I do it more often? Someone or something always comes first—the job, of course. Also, the dishes, the dust bunnies, the conference call, the car engine, the friend-in-need, the dinner, the daughter who doesn’t call often but needs you right now. We are women. We are caregivers. We respond to what others need from us.
At our January meeting, each of us shared writing resolutions, which our secretary Alisa recorded in the minutes. One of the most common resolutions was to establish a writing routine. So, the topic of this month’s newsletter (in addition to February meeting time and date, resources and announcements) is technique for establishing a routine.
This writer found several YouTube videos about writing routines. There is the motivational speaker who recommends a self-care routine at the beginning of the day. For her, it begins with a spinach smoothie with chia and flax seeds. The next expert says he gets in the mood by meditating for six hours daily. One video seems to suit most writers. Emma, in a delightful accent (British, I think), tells how her strategy will get our “creative cogs whirring.” Such phrasing is enough to hook me. Emma has designed ten 3-minute writing prompts—word and phrase associations— to encourage daily writing that will produce ideas and word choices. She stays with you throughout the prompt, telling you to stop and encouraging you to move on.
This word association thing makes sense. Ray Bradbury writes in Zen and the Art of Writing that he managed daily writing, beginning with the first word that came to him each day. And he kept writing.
You might want to spend three minutes at a time with Emma. I am including her YouTube video here—
When is the next WWW meeting?
We are changing the meeting date of Women Who Write to the second Tuesday of each month. Still at 6:30 PM. Still on Zoom videoconference until further notice. Still the usual activities—conversations about the writing life, visiting authors, peer commentary and writing tips. Whether you are a frequent participant, a new member, or a woman looking for a writing community, join us on Tuesday, February 9.
Our monthly meetings are a safe place for writers
Sign-in to our Tuesday, February 9 Zoom meeting 5 minutes before 6:30 PM
The meeting link is available in the monthly newsletter or you may email us at for the link.
You will be placed in a waiting room/No password necessary
Troubles connecting? Text Kim at 502-417-3424
Be prepared for our Zoom room writing prompt!
We will begin our meeting with a writing prompt. Please have a magazine, scissors, paper, pen and a glue stick. This is a brief exercise to inspire poetry or prose!
Interested in sharing your writing at our February 9 WWW meeting?
As usual, we will screen share and comment on five pieces of prose and poetry (4 pages double-spaced for prose and up to 3 poems). Please forward your manuscript to by Tuesday 2/9 noon. The host will screen share your work so you can read it aloud while the group members follow.
Announcing a new blog entry—Faithful leader, Pam LaFollette shares her not-so-novel predicament—a too long manuscript requiring revision. Her blog titled, “Revisions are Like Onions: They have layers, and they make you cry,” is available here for your reading pleasure.
We invite our members to submit short fiction, nonfiction and poetry to be included on our blog (less than 1,200 words of prose). Essays about the writing process, publication, and craft tips are also welcome. Members, please pitch a blog idea or paste your writing in an e-mail to . Help us provide content and encouragement to writers.
Learn about submission requests and contests at https://www.newpages.com. which enables you to find specific markets for your fiction, nonfiction, or poetry.
Here are ways you can support our writing community.
Become a member—As a community, WWW strives to nurture your writing life. We hope you choose to join or renew as a member and participate in our monthly meetings, author talks, retreats, and workshops. Please share your ideas for future programming! You can attend two meetings as a non-member, before joining for $50. Students 18 and older enrolled in school can become members for $25.
Like our Facebook Page—@womenwhowriteky has 899 followers. You can help us move toward 1,000 followers. Like our Facebook page (and linger awhile to take advantage of the posted content).
Join the leadership team—Our treasurer and assistant director, Melony Dixon and Terri Lindsey, will soon retire from leadership positions. They’ve stayed longer than their terms required, and we are grateful. Consider volunteering for one of these two positions. If you have questions specific to these positions, please email .
Be safe. Be strong. Be peace.
Love your writing life!
The leadership team— Kimberly, Terri, Pam, Melony & Alisa